Private residence, court actions available on separation or divorce

Couples may have experienced the difficulties that can arise when couples separate or divorce. One area where they may need to resolve are the options that courts have to direct ownership of the marital home. The courts can exercise their jurisdiction in the following ways. By recognising an existing equitable interest of the spouse or […]

Consider online tax payment plans

January is the month that taxpayers registered for self-assessment need to pay their taxes. Usually, this amounts to any underpayment for the previous tax year and a first payment on account for the current tax year. Unfortunately, HMRC will base their payment on account for 2020-21 on the self-assessment liability for the previous tax year, […]

Why go digital?

There is a major advantage to recording business transactions digitally; once the basic data has been entered it can be interrogated and represented in endless types of reports. During the present COVID disruption this ability to drill down or summarise data should be used to support business owners in making appropriate decisions. Accounting software, used […]

Best wishes for 2021

The turning of the old year into the potential for the new year has usually generated the Happy New Year salutation. And indeed, we do wish our readers all the very best for 2021. But what challenges we face. Will schools reopen, are we facing a further national lock-down, will our already extended business owners […]